About Hammamet - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Statiunea Hammamet recieved a rating of 4.3 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (59 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Hammamet, Hammamet
Hammamet is a resort town on the Mediterranean coast at 65 km from the capital Tunis, in the south east of the peninsula of Cap Bon. As the name says (meaning hammam Turkish bath), beaches, and warm clear water made it a favorite destination since the Islamic period.
In the early twentieth century the town became a representative of the tourist resorts of the country.
Like most cities Tunisia and Hammamet Medina is surrounded by fortifications and dating from the fifteenth century, with its fortress (Casbah), and habitual souk.
There are two main axes in Hammamet: Avenue Habib Bourguiba and Avenue of the Republic, close to downtown. La Kasbah is located west and north, where the Heroes' Square is a small monument like the Eiffel Tower, in memory of the independence war heroes.
Hammamet | Hammamet is a resort town on the Mediterranean coast at 65 km from the capital Tunis, in the south east of the peninsula of Cap Bon. As the name says (meaning hammam Turkish bath), beaches, and warm clear water made it a favorite destination since the
Islamic period
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