Read blog articles about Tunisia

De ce o vacanta in Tunisia? 7 motive sa spui „hai”

02.04.2019 Tunisia

Arome, curcubeie, deșert cât vezi cu ochii și o mare bogată în corali... vacanța în Tunisia te fascinează prin contraste, varietate, peisaje și o cultură aparte, atractivă. Read more recommendations »

7 motive sa-ti petreci viitoarea vacanta in Tunisia

12.04.2018 Tunisia

Sezonul reducerilor e în toi, iar alegerea vacanței este tot mai dificilă… dacă nu ești conservator și mergi anual în aceeași destinație. Trendul de anul acesta nu duce spre Grecia, cum te-ai fi așteptat, ci mai degrabă spre Tunisia. Prețurile vacanțelor în Tunisia a scăzut considerabil față de anii precedenți. Read more recommendations »

Information about Tunisia


Tunisia, the northernmost tourist destination in Africa, a land of contrasts and diversity, offers visitors of all kinds, holiday stays full of sun and warm seaside. Although Tunisia formerly belonged to the Phoenicians, Byzantines, Romans and Arabs today is one of the most modern Islamic nations and the well developed tourism exploits the full beauty of this small African countries. Tunisian beaches and seaside beauty, ancient cities bearing traces of civilizations that passed over them, local hospitality, inviting smell Berber architecture of spices used in Tunisian cuisine annually attracts thousands of tourists by tourism offers, the best prices, making in Tunisia a destination for all budgets. The number of bookings in hotels, villas and pensions Tunisian coast and offers early booking of air tickets accommodate increasingly more tourists who propose a sunny holiday but at the same time, eager to discover the secrets of this small African nation and diveritatea .

Food in Tunisia

If you've decided on a winter holiday in Switzerland, you really have a great choice of ski huts, bars, casinos and party locations on hand. You also have various relaxing and sporting opportunities available : use of a sauna, massages, fitness centres, heli skiing, horse-drawn sleigh rides, ice skating, tobogganing, squash, badminton and bowling are just a few examples. Most of the larger ski areas also offer a varied programme of activities, including torch runs, ski races for guests, ski tours and night time snowshoe hikes. Every ski area has a wide range of restaurants pubs and snack bars available, where you are sure to find something to suit everyone's taste. When you think about food and drink in Switzerland, the first thing that usually comes to mind is famous Swiss cheese. Therefore it's not surprising that cheese fondue and Raclette originate from Switzerland. You will not find a ski resort that doesn't offer both these specialities. Switzerland is also world-famous for producing top quality chocolate. Further Swiss specialities include Rösti, Bündnerfleisch (a type of dried meat), Zürcher Geschnetzeltes (veal stew from Zurich), carrot cake and swiss muesli.

Culture in Tunisia

As Switzerland is made up of diverse regions in which different languages are spoken and different cultures have formed, it is not to easy to define a united Swiss culture. Large parts of the Italian, German, and French-speaking populations are strongly influenced by their neighbouring countries, as well as by Anglo-Saxon countries. Regional customs, however, are maintained throughout the country. Among those customs are music, dance, theatre, poetry, wood carving, and knitting. Many of these traditions are connected to the season (e.g. Fasnacht, or Carneval, in Basel, Escalade in Geneva, Sechseläuten in Zurich). A long tradition in Switzerland, next to music and dance, is the production of cheese. So a nice end to a lovely day on your ski holiday could be to restore your energy with an evening meal of cheese fondue or raclette.

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